Equiwinner Patches (Box of 10)



Equiwinner is a patented, non-transdermal patch. It serves as a natural electrolyte-balancing system. Nothing goes into the horse’s body – it simply recognizes the electrolytes in the patches and responds to them.

  • Safe, effective and easy to use.
  • Simple 10-day treatment costs less than constantly trying to treat or manage symptoms.
  • One single treatment can be effective for months, even up to one full year, when used as directed!
  • No side effects
  • Won’t test positive in any competition, race or event or sport.
  • Equiwinner by Signal-Health has had success with Horse Bleeding EIPH, Non-Sweating, Headshaking, Tying-Up and Improving Performance!

Conditions that Equiwinner Patch can correct-

Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH) including “bleeders” or blood in the trachea (windpipe).
Headshaking for no known cause when the horse is exercised.
Fading effort or pulling up when an otherwise fit horse is asked for performance.
Distress or refusal for no known reason when asked for increased effort e.g. going from walk to canter.
Dry or dull coat from no apparent cause.
Overheating from lack of sweat (anhidrosis), or patchy sweating.
Equiwinner ensures full hydration and better performance.
Equiwinner prevents stress in the horse when travelling in transport. ”
Tying Up”, also called azoturia or equine rhabdomyolysis.